Saturday, September 5, 2009

Productive Pay-Offs

Out this week, finally, after months and months of varying hurdles and struggles, arrived both the LTCo compilation CD, Autumn Blood (Constructions), and the new Theme CD, Valentine (Lost) Forever, on Israel's HCB Recordings. Although this news in itself brings with it the reality of much work for me via packing orders and endless trips to and from a Post Office some 15 minutes walk away (I could get a bus, but I am neither lazy or afraid of getting the locals to wonder who the hell this flame-haired guy is with all these mysterious packages as he struts past, mind doubtlessly submerged in abstract nonsense), I'm still ultimately pleased that all this toil during the past year or so has come into fruition. Beyond this, I'm satisfied with both releases completely. And, if the response, so far, is anything to go by, I feel I'm beginning to turn a corner with my endeavours. Not that I've ever once been concerned with turning corners in the first place, but it's certainly a welcome, and wholly refreshing, addition to the proceedings.

If interested in either release, you should be able to find them easily enough by using the usual channels.

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